This is the story of our precious baby boy, who was diagnosed prenatally at
17 weeks with a fatal chromosome disorder called Trisomy 13. Although
Jonathan's condition is considered "not compatible with life", we desired to give
him every chance at life. Our prayer is that those who are touched by our story
are drawn to God, who is Life Himself. John 14:6

To start at the beginning of our story, click here.


theme of the week, take two

"To whom much is given, much is expected." - Luke 12:48.

another "theme of the week" has been revealed to me in the most interesting ways. this time, it was basically the above verse, over and over again: i read it somewhere, then it was quoted by someone else, and then my doctor and i had a brief conversation about it at our last visit. all unrelated events over just a couple of days.

i had to research the context of the scripture before i could begin to apply it to myself or our situation. the best description i found was: the more knowledge a man has, the more practice is expected from him; and the greater his gifts are, the more useful he ought to be, and diligent in the improvement of them.

interestingly enough, jonathan's name means "gift from God." and what a gift he is proving to be. as i am reminded often, for some reason God is entrusting us with this special gift. i have believed this from the beginning, but to hear others affirm it is heartening. in fact, all throughout this journey, the concept of being given "a gift" has come up again and again. this gift just has different wrapping than one would expect.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above..." ~James 1:17

however, we realize that our gift is not ours to keep. perhaps the memories of our time with jonathan, during pregnancy and for however long he lives, are for ours to keep. but we must offer our gift back to God, trusting that His plan is better and greater that we could ever imagine.

"The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised." ~Job 1:21

at this very moment, i want to believe i can do it: offer back the life of our son with unclenched hands. in fact, this is what i desire to do, as hannah faithfully dedicated her longed-awaited and prayed-for son, samuel, to the Lord in 1 Samuel 1. an offering is not a true offering unless it costs something. again: "To whom much is given, much is expected."

the cost of this offering will be great. even though i have not yet met jonathan... i have not yet smelled that sweet baby skin, i have not kissed those tiny feet, i have not yet looked him over and declared him "beautiful" or "perfect" in spite of whatever flaws trisomy 13 has caused during his development.... i know the moment i meet him will be accompanied by the deepest love and instinct of every mother: to feel like i cannot possibly live without him. how am i going to live without him? only by God's grace.

"I am leaving you with a gift--peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give isn't like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid." ~John 14:27


  1. The verse from Job that you quoted reminded me of a song that we sang at church this past Sunday. Although i have heard it many times, i don't think i really listened to the words. It really touched me and made me think of you and then i read this blog and it was so fitting:

    Blessed be your name
    In the land that is plentiful
    Where the streams of abundance flow
    Blessed be your name

    Blessed be your name
    When I'm found in the desert place
    Though I walk through the wilderness
    Blessed be your name

    Every blessing you pour out,
    I turn back to praise
    When the darkness closes in, Lord
    Still I will say...
    Blessed be the name of the Lord
    Blessed be your name
    Blessed be the name of the Lord
    Blessed be your glorious name

    Blessed be your name
    When the sun's shining down on me
    When the world's all as it should be
    Blessed be your name

    Blessed be your name
    On the road marked with suffering
    Though there's pain in the offering
    Blessed be your name

    Every blessing you pour out,
    I turn back to praise
    When the darkness closes in, Lord
    Still I will say...
    Blessed be the name of the Lord
    Blessed be your name
    Blessed be the name of the Lord
    Blessed be your glorious name

    You give and take away
    You give and take away
    My heart will choose to say
    Lord, Blessed be your name

    Love you!

  2. Lindy...we sang this in church on Sunday too!! I almost included the lyrics in this blog posting because I thought of that song while I was writing this. Pretty neat "coincidence!"

  3. Wow...just amazing! Blessed be His name!

  4. Wow! Just so amazing how everything is coming together - working together for the good of those who love Him and are called by His name.

  5. I can't begin to tell you how this story has blessed me,in this age where so many people are taking the easy way out,you and Greg have chosen to taken the hard way,and God will bless you for it..I will be praying for you all.God is STILL in control,all things are possible with Him!David said that "God was with him in his mothers womb"and I know He is with Jonathan too..
    May God bless you and keep you
    Love in our Lord Jesus.
