This is the story of our precious baby boy, who was diagnosed prenatally at
17 weeks with a fatal chromosome disorder called Trisomy 13. Although
Jonathan's condition is considered "not compatible with life", we desired to give
him every chance at life. Our prayer is that those who are touched by our story
are drawn to God, who is Life Himself. John 14:6

To start at the beginning of our story, click here.


Delivery Day

This is Michelle writing on behalf of Greg, Lauren, Kate and Jonathan while they are unable to.

Lauren is being induced today around lunch time because Jonathan is in Heart Failure.

Please Join us in Praying the following:
The labor goes smoothly and easily for both Mom and baby Jonathan.
That Jonathan is born alive.
That the Lord provides for them complete and total peace during the entire labor process and delivery.
That the Lord will allow for them to completely enjoy and celebrate their time with Jonathan, no matter how long it is, and to not be sad or anxious.

Please no visitors.
Updates to Follow.

Pray * Pray * Pray


  1. Many, many, many prayers your way. I've been following your story for only a couple of weeks, but I have been so inspired by your faith, your attitude, and your spirit...Thank you so much for allowing all of us, your followers, to take part in your journey.

    I will continue to pray for you and your family for strength and acceptance for whatever the Lord may bring your way. And especially for little Jonathan.

    God bless

  2. We are sending prayers your way. Please tell them there are others out here praying for their family....God Bless your family.
    Kelly Hatton
    Mommy of Angel Karrae

  3. Praying, praying for you all, Lauren...

    Julie Wilcox

  4. Lord God, all that I know to do is pray. Please wrap your arms around this family and hold them tight through what will be one of the best and possibly one of the worst days of their lives all at the same time. I pray that you give Greg and Lauren a peace that passes all understanding in a time when all we can ask is Why? I pray that whatever your will may be that this family will be able to feel the love that can only come from you! Thank you for such a precious family with a faith that amazes me! What a blessing to have known such beautiful people! I know that you are way bigger than the hurt in this world and that you are still in the miracle business! Hold baby Johnathan and hold his family! I love you and thank you so much for saving me, Amen

  5. Praying for you and your family

  6. The scripture that comes to mind as I sit and pray for you each is Romans 6:23: "In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express." Praising God with you for the miracle of Jonathon, and praying with you for peace in your hearts as you undergo the most difficult time of your lives.

  7. Prayers are coming your way. God is with you. I am sorry things did not work out as you all had hoped. All that there is to do is pray and trust that God knows.
    Ashlee S.
    Niceville, FL

  8. I am praying for you Lauren. Your faith is amazing & He will see you through this.

  9. I have just finished praying and I feel at a loss for you. I don't even know you yet I want to be there to hug, comfort and console your family. God is there to wrap His mighty arms around you today and every day after. You are not alone. I celebrate Jonathan's life as he today will most likely be his birthday. What a precious angel boy he is. :)

    Thank you, Jesus, for your promises. Thank you for your love. Thank you for this family and this amazing incredible awesome journey that they have allowed us to partake in. We know that this is only the begininng...

    In Christ's love,

    Stacy Kuhl

  10. Lord I ask that you hold this dear family in your arms. Please surround them with Your presence, envelope them in Your love and peace. Your peace that passes all our human understanding. I ask for Your perfect will for them and Your strength to walk this path that they are on.

  11. We are praying for you! God will carry you mommy, while you carry baby!!

  12. Lauren,
    Our heavenly father is with at this very moment. You, Greg, Jonathan, and your precious daughter, (who is too young to understand), are not alone. May God's peace, comfort, and everlasting love be with you!. That hospital room is Holy ground today. Jesus is there with you.

    Linda, mother and grandmother of
    Kim and Grace Shedd
